Today marks the day of ‘Sacred Equation’ – new album by Jakob Thorkild.
11 tracks, made with electric guitar, voice, cello, drums, vibraphone, collected sounds, synthetic sounds.
Collected sounds were recorded at Arnakkekilden (Silkeborg, DK), the same location where the photos for the album cover and the four single covers were also captured.
This is a place characterized by its suitability for contemplative states due to the natural beauty of nature in its uncontrolled form, juxtaposed with the beautiful architecture that defines the reservoirs leading the vast amounts of water from Arnakke Kilden into Ørnsø. Here, one can experience history and culture, reflecting human abilities and ideals, while perceiving the entire complex as existing at the mercy of nature. The sound of water is constantly present – it continually springs from the ground. Pure water with a high content of iron.
This place expresses an anthropocene fragility.

- Anna Mose: Voice
- P.O. Joergens: drums, vibraphone, recording
- Nils Bo Davidsen: cello
- John Fomsgaard: extended mastering
- Jakob Thorkild: composition, production, electric guitar, art work, recording
- Tomas Raae: consultant, supporting friend